Sussex Premier Health, Hastings: Important update for patients with upcoming appointments

Clean Ear Clinic

Posted on: 11 March 2022 in News

Sussex Premier Health are delighted to welcome Dr George Taggart who will be treating patients in our Clean Ear Clinic for the removal of ear wax, a service previously run by Mr Simon Baer.


The Benefits of Professional Ear Cleaning

Many people who clean their ears go digging with cotton swabs and sticks. They’re easy to buy, they’re marketed for cleaning ears and so people use them. However, using cotton swabs inside your ears can actually cause more harm than good – from irritation to rupture of the eardrum.

Most people are also misusing them; they’re supposed to clean the exterior structure of the ear, not the canal itself. Adding cotton swabs to the ears is only going to end with pushing the earwax back in and causing even more of a buildup inside the ears, leading to even more issues.

Protecting your ears

If you want to protect the inner structure of the ear, you need to speak to a hearing health professional first. They can advise you on the best methods for ear cleaning and how to keep your ears from becoming infected. There are a lot of benefits to a professional ear cleaning and it can make a difference to your hearing health. Here are three benefits of professional ear cleaning:

Dr Taggart is a GP at Rye Medical Centre and has a special interest in ENT.

Dr Taggart will be working in our Clean Ear Clinic at Sussex Premier Health twice a month on a Thursday morning.

To speak to a member of our team, or to book an appointment in our clean ear clinic call 01424 757455.

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